Tag Archives: myths

Perpetuating Pit Bull Myths

2 Dec

It’s so dangum frustrating when animal “experts” continue to perpetuate the myths and stereotypes about pit bulls.

A few weeks ago, Indy Pit Crew had a booth at Pet Expo, one of the largest pet events in Indiana. There was a large indoor pool set up so attendees could try their dog at dock diving. The gentelman running the dock diving exhibit was extolling the virtues of one of the dogs he was demonstrating – a pit bull.

And then he said it… something about their LOCKING JAWS.

For heaven’s sake. Really? That myth has been disproven so many times it’s not even stupid anymore. It’s just boring.

One of the Indy Pit Crew board members, who is also a dog trainer, behaviorist and owns/trains/handles a Search and Rescue dog, went to educate this gentlemen about his erroneous information. He stood firm on his opinion – stating that he’s been rescuing pits for a long time and he knew what he was talking about.

Wow. Just wow.

A representative from another rescue recently made a comment that it was ironic that our rescue pit bull wasn’t the agressor in a spat between her and another dog – a supposed “family breed”. It’s not ironic. It’s not even unusual. I’ve got examples of pit bulls living happily in HUNDREDS of homes with other dogs of all breeds and sizes. Multi-dog households with pit bulls, in my experience, are the rule not the exception.

When animal welfare and pet services people spout incorrect information or make offhand, incorrect statements about pit bull behavior, they unravel the efforts of pit bull activists to disseminate the truth. The battle to save America’s Dog is hard enough without your allies also being your enemies.