Tag Archives: lies

Media sinking to new lows

25 Mar

What to do when a pit bull attacks. Never mind what the hell this blog post is doing in a business journal, but this whole “article” is just ridiculous.

The absolute scariest/stupidest part is the comment by IMPD spokesperson Jeff Duhamell.

“They are an extremely vicious breed, and they always have been. They’ll come after you,” Duhamell says. “The more you pull way from them, the more they’ll lock down and start ripping skin and muscle.”


  1. “pit bulls” have been around 200 years… and issues with them attacking people have only surfaced in the last 20-30. Evidence of inherent viciousness? I think not.
  2. Does anyone think that an opinion of a police officer may be skewed? I would guess the vast majority of dogs they interact with are owned by unsavory types. I’m thinking the dogs owned by unsavory types may be… hmm, unsavory?
  3. if every pit bull is extremely vicious, I’m really surprised any of us are still alive. With thousands (tens?) of pit bulls in this country, I’m surprised they haven’t risen up like an army and killed us all!

The author wonders if you can train a pit bull not to be aggressive… like, can you train a labrador not to fetch? (The answer is – pit bulls aren’t typically people aggressive, and YES, you can train a lab not to fetch)

The article then goes on to suggest that you should carry pepper spray designed for grizzlies, or maybe a taser. Oh, and don’t take your dogs outside with you. Any pit bull is just jonesing to attack your dogs and you, so the sight of your dogs will stir them into a frenzy.

It absolutely BOGGLES my mind that this “reporter” is so uneducated. It’s one thing to spout statistics and suggest the dog aggression = people aggression link like so many other media outlets have. It’s something different to be so completely ridiculous and uneducated.

One of the comments hit the nail on the head. Next time, maybe the reporter should actually talk to someone who knows something about dogs.