Homelessness Bites

15 Dec

Faith based charitable organizations are a whole ‘nother topic for another day, but I can’t ignore the fact that some are out there doing a heckuva lot of good.

One of my recent favorites is the Homelessness Bites campaign from the Salvation Army of Indiana.

25% of the estimated 7,500 homeless in Indianapolis are children. While some blame the homeless for their circumstance – you can’t blame children. They are innocent. And while the temperature continues to drop, I worry for the health and safety of these kids.

Salvation Army has made it amazingly simple to fund this important project. You can drop a donation in the red kettles you’ll find at most area big box stores. Or you can text a donation – can’t get much more convenient than that!

Here’s the instructions:

  • Compose a text message to 85944
  • Type the word GIVE (to donate $10) or RING (to donate $5)
  • Send
  • Receive confirmation message
  • Confirm your donation
  • Pat yourself on the back for making a change in someones life–maybe your own!
  • Me, I’ve started my own online red kettle to encourage others to help me fund the important mission of the Salvation Army.

    How can YOU help?