Praise when the media gets it right

17 Mar

Too often, the media takes any opportunity to crucify pit bulls. A few weeks back, a reporter admitted to my friend that it is all about the ratings. Fair and balanced journalism must have died after Watergate.

Yesterday, an unfortunate incident happened at a shelter here in Indiana. A pit bull mix who was recovering from surgery was in a room with signs that he should be left alone. A young boy was curious and entered the room. The dog bit him.

Dog bites boy at animal shelter.

The reporter chose to report the circumstances surrounding the incident with minimal inflammatory language. The article does mention the dog’s breed once, but the headline very easily could have been “Pit bull attacks child in shelter” and could have taken a totally different tone. It’s clear from the article that the child was unsupervised and that the dog was injured.

It was so nice to write a letter to a journalist thanking them for their approach rather than taking them to task for their language and lack of facts.

Are our efforts making an impact changing the media? I certainly hope so.

Update: Another station’s accounts of the attackBoy, 6, mauled by dog at humane society.